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Pastor Knowles

Welcome Home!

Other than salvation, choosing the right church home is the most important decision that you will make as a Christian in your lifetime.  God has provided the church as a place where His people can worship Him, grow in their faith, and participate with other Christians in the work of reaching others with the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ.  It is our prayer that God will continue to add to His church here at Victory, and we will be praying for you as you seek God's will in considering VBC as your church home.


- Pastor Chris Knowles

How To Become A Member Of VBC

We are glad that you are interested in knowing more about Victory Baptist
Church. If you are interested in becoming a follower of Jesus Christ or are
interested in becoming a member of Victory Baptist Church, we would ask that
you make that desire known to one of our staff or our Pastor as soon as possible. They would
welcome the opportunity to counsel with you and to help you know how to have a
relationship with Jesus or discuss your desire for church membership.

Because of the sacrifice and love of our Lord Jesus Christ for His church, we want to
make sure every member understands the importance of church membership. In
order to help accomplish this person, we require every person to participate in an
“MERGE New Member Class” before joining the church.

The MERGE Class will help provide you with a thorough understanding of the
meaning and responsibilities of membership here at Victory. This class will
outline the specific beliefs as well as the various ministries of this church. It also
provides and opportunity for you to meet the pastor and to ask any questions you
might have.  If you are interested in becoming a member CLICK HERE to register

for the next MERGE Class.

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