Our Ministries
VBC has a variety of ministries tailored to different age groups, and stages of life. We encourage all of our members to find the ministry where God has called them. Scroll down to see our ministries and find out where you fit in!
"ILLUMINATE" Youth Group
B.L.A.S.T. will help establish foundational truths for solid living in the lives of young people. Here at Victory Baptist Church, our children’s ministry works with other ministries to give our children a well-balanced emphasis on knowing Jesus and how we can live for Him and serve Him.
Today’s Jr. High and High School Student will be faced with a variety of temptations and trials in an attempt to derail them from their spiritual journey. To help them live the best life possible, the life God intended, we want to challenge them to connect through Christ-centered relationships, grow in the way of Christ, and give as Christ gave. This program will teach them Biblical verse, give them a spiritual foundation, and equip them with spiritual truths that apply to the 21st century teenager. Your teen will be interested in the Bible-based lesson as they are relevant to today’s students.
Men's Ministry
16 and up
One fundamental element of a healthy church is men who love God. This ministry is designed for the man who is seeking confidence in a closer relationship with God, with his family, and with his brothers in Christ. This confidence develops through events such as the Men’s Prayer Breakfast, the Iron Men Conference, Man Camp, Men’s Bible Study and other frequent activities. At VBC, we believe that through these occasional activities and meetings, men strengthen one another in their own spiritual life and in turn they encourage those around them.
The Women of Victory ministries welcomes ladies of all ages and stages. We strive to nurture the women of VBC and surrounding communities as they come to faith and Christian maturity as a result from knowing God, His Word, and one another. Our Bible studies, programs, and events will inspire and enrich your life by strengthening your relationships—especially your relationship with God! We truly LOVE SERVING God and SERVING you…We were born to SERVE!
16 and up